Monday, October 11, 2010

Di suddenly stopped

Di suddenly stopped, paused, looking down, pointing his thumb, comfort Road. .In the constant jitter. .me laugh, give him about when we live through the tension and the scene, telling him live at 12:30, 12:25 minutes into the studio before the story, to comfort him as long as the heart is bottom □, do not need to worry about. .time minute by minute the past, and three producers Zuozhen together for final finishing. Long 4 minutes, delete! end of the short screen to find! titles have changed, not on the !......a short time doing a Herve Leger firm decision. .18:50, broadcast with a smooth finished, has been waiting for the master and Zhu Xiao Yi, Zhou Lei (his The main task is that if an emergency way responsible ran the tape sent to the broadcast) take over the baton as fast as the car rushed to the Great Bell Temple's broadcast department. At this point, the corridor came the voice of vigorous Teacher Chang : .Maybe that show was great, and perhaps that is flat, meaningless. But who knows, in this column group up and down the heart, let us also follow in this stubbornly alive the night several times. but it went through the test of life and death, can we have witnessed members of our team unity and dedication; is precisely the experience a death in the face, will enable each of us from different angles, sum up experience and lessons learned, and become more mature.

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