Monday, October 25, 2010

Assembling building high-end life but can not assemble the data volume rate of property disturbed in the Pearl River Town property market

The lack of high-quality, noble life of the community formed a delegation form the spatial location its lack of .2 for the property market first. 2 short: the system, leisure, entertainment, home to an integrated human community. Pearl River town in sales despite their advocacy of unique properties for sale, each scene, attracting different levels consumer groups, but also have, lack of a River Town missing: the traditional market behavior to suppress the revolutionary character of residential life.
customary price comparisons, many developers can not play in the housing market leverage should be distributed under the life personality, the development of clone-type behavior to just rely on high property abandoned building itself geomorphological features value, containing a luxurious residential light .4, 4 missing: assembling building high-end life but can not assemble the data volume rate of property disturbed in the Pearl River Town property market, carried around in a building of this data assembled war, most are designed to camouflage the In fact, life can not be assembled. buildings Moncler can not be replaced with limited life unlimited assembly to meet, that is, many property developers to hold high the banner high, but never convincing, and the source of appeal .

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