Monday, October 11, 2010

207 rooms

207 rooms, Zhang Bin teacher shot in emergency under the final scene; production room, Zhang Di madly rushing at the beginning of children; voice, the Li and remembered with great interest the manuscript ...... everything orderly start. .and tense, just started ...... br Date: October 16, 2005 at 7:00 .Location: Office of the .7:00 pm, sitting in front of the computer's Sun, and suddenly came the startling news: Sudden Death! .10:30 pm, 27 km, a Moncler player, surnamed Wang, ......The dead? hurry and get in touch with the organizing committee, would not start there also hesitant to disclose, so they blackmail Yes, 27 km, a young man ......Epiphyllum like instant fallen, thinking about the last time this guy turned out to be with me, thinking as he took off his shoes quietly sleep in our car, I can not help to tears ...... br circumstances change, corresponding changes in program content should be. busy stare .
I can not help you in pity to some excited, excitedly spread the news throughout the corridor talk was, after all, this is our shot to exclusive information, the impact of our program is undoubtedly a good thing. But in the end how to do that how the wording of the 207 rooms of three urgent consultations with the leadership. an hour of effort, manuscript completed, the completion of the second voice, Zhang Di started very proud to have just completed the beginning of children overthrow redo.

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