Monday, January 17, 2011

Zhao Ting)
The building land labor that the day salary is expensive to lead an university student to still recruit not enough building work widespreadly runs short 20%
At the end of the year dry little rain

On December 27, get hurt the student is parent come together at the Heng south county people sickroom in the hospital.
On December 27, a parent at Heng south county people sickroom in the hospital accompanies to accept to save to cure of student.
On December 27, get hurt in the traffic accident of student at Heng south county people the hospital accept to save to cure.
On December 27, the medical personnel is rescuing a maimed kid.
On December 27, the medical personnel is in the Heng southern county people sickroom in the hospital rescue a student.
(Responsibility editor:Zhao Ting)
The building land labor that the day salary is expensive to lead an university student to still recruit not enough building work widespreadly runs short 20%
At the end of the year dry little rain, have been "gold season" of the construction.However, reporter for consecutive days go and see a workplace and discover, cease work Guangzhou of three months empress have never appeared to prepare to think that medium workplace"the well sprays" gets work done faster prospects.

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