Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ouyang Mok has increased the accelerator

shouted, "the third team, full impact. " More than 30 3 teams like the food and medicine, with a smile wild roar in Tsim Sha Tsui and jeep driving a motorcycle stormed into the banquet hall inside the unarmed inside the Old and drug lords in senseless killings. The base of the people are going around campaigning in flames. Just run rampant in the people do not know what would become the moment to be Jae lamb. The whole body of the bloody holes in the eyes of the big eyes lying down, also extended his hands to midair, seems to have heard the call of the hell. The people live, no matter which party, have been killed in the red eyes. The end of their own hands the guns on wild fire! As long as you can see that the objectives of the enemy. dosang base line of the armed forces, at the moment, the overall collapse. This is only the cultivation of opium farmers and low mercenary group Construction Corps of 100 people, under the leadership in Ouyang Mok, like crazy lion, suddenly collapsed and swept gold and three point the largest drug barons dosang armed base. This is the powerful blitz. Poland 2 at the time before the war period, the blitz against Germany, only half the time of the Declaration and the nation. This is a small large base, and how they can also have arrived in the thunder lightning attacks? ! The blitz led the people, require the absolute leadership. When the news spread to the conflict in the 3 point iron force headquarters, Du city even looking at the telegraph, long time before the mumble, "Does he want to destabilize other countries, internal affairs? " Ouyang not only in the fulfilment of its mandate. He looked at the base has been plunged into a sea of flames, who have been killed in the eyes of the Red almost frenzied armed elements, Ouyang Mo riding a motorcycle and secretly proceeding towards the place. This is the best opportunity. as a whole week, the base of the elite are all in this battle. This is his defense of the most vulnerable. Ouyang Mok has increased the accelerator, motorcycle in the fastest speed along. Apart from Ding, who are not aware of this. Her eyes to confuse the eyes

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